Silicone Sealant (Dolphin-1200G)

Mr Shadab 0502873366

Silicone Sealant (Dolphin-1200G)

Silicone Sealant (Dolphin-1200G) is an anti-bacterial; single component Acetic cure sealant, which is cured by atmospheric moisture to form a high strength waterproof seal. It is multi-purpose silicone sealant which is flexible and has a powerful anti-bacterial property to prevent mould/bacteria growth.

Prices: Below listed prices are own our Exworks store.


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Silicone Sealant (Dolphin-1200G) is an anti-bacterial; single component Acetic cure sealant, which is cured by atmospheric moisture to form a high strength waterproof seal. It is multi-purpose silicone sealant which is flexible and has a powerful anti-bacterial property to prevent mould/bacteria growth.


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